1964 Johnson Outboard Service Manual
V4M V4ML Publication # 311732
OEM Johnson Outboard Boat Motor Literature
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Johnson V4 Service Manual
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Johnson Service Manual ID # 311732
Manual Format: .pdf document
Manual Contents: 122 Pages
Download File: 25.8 mb
Engine Type: 2-Cycle
Model Year: 1964
See Manual Application Survey Below
Horsepower - and - Models
90 HP Models: V4M, V4ML
The purpose of this service manual is to provide Johnson Motor Dealers and their service personnel with technical information and factory recommended procedures for servicing 90 HP Golden Meteor Engines.
Keep your manual in a handy place and use it often. By following its recommended procedures, guesswork will be eliminated. The result of such practice will be twofold: (1) A well established and profitable service shop and (2) satisfied customers.
This service manual contains all information that was available on the 90 HP engine at time of publication. As changes in design or construction are made, supplementary information will be issued to all authorized dealers in the form of service bulletins.
Johnson Motors reserves the right to make changes in design or improvements in the 90 HP engine without notice and without imposing obligation upon itself to install them on products previously manufactured.