1966 Johnson Outboard Service Manual
3hp-100hp Supplement # 312469
OEM Johnson Outboard Boat Motor Literature
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This manual has been prepared as a supplement to the (Comprehensive Johnson Outboard Service Manual: Part No, 312468). It covers only changes made to the Johnson Outboard Motor line for the model year 1966. Complete Service Instructions for disassembly, cleaning, inspection and repair, and reassembly are given for those details of 1966 motors which are different from the 1965 models. For service information on details of construction and design where 1966 motors are similar to the 1965 line, see the basic all models service manual noted above.

This is a Supplement Manual to 1965 Manual # 312468
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Johnson Service Manual ID # 312469
Manual Format: .pdf document
Manual Contents: 101 Pages
Download File: 17.9 mb
Engine Type: 2-Cycle
Model Year: 1966
See Manual Application Survey Below
Horsepower - and - Models
3HP 5HP 6HP 9.5HP 20HP 33HP 40HP 60HP 80HP 100HP
3 HP Models: JW, JH, JHL
5 HP Models: LD, LDL, LD-11, LDL-11
6 HP Models: CD, CDL, CD-23, CDL-23
9.5 HP Models: MQ, MQL, MQ-12, MQL-12
20 HP Models: FD, FDL, FD-20, FDL-20
33 HP Models: RX, RXL, RX-14, RXL-14, RXE, RXEL, RXE-14, RXEL-14
40 HP Models: RD, RDL, RD-28, RDL-28, RDS, RDSL, RDS-28, RDSL-28, RK, RKL, RK-28, RKL-28
60 HP Models: VX, VXL, VX-12, VXL-12, VXH, VXHL, VXH-12, VXHL-12
80 HP Models: V4S, V4SL, V4S-18, V4SL-18, V4A, V4AL, V4A-18, V4AL-18
100 HP Models: V4ML, V4ML-12